[Dom] From all the perusing through online car sales over the years it seems to me that Melbourne has it’s fair share of cars for the enthusiast. I guess that’s why some people call it the car capital of Australia. Now, being from Sydney, am I just thinking that the grass is greener in Melbourne? Nah, Melbs has some good shit!

[Dom] I was lucky enough to spend some time in Melbourne recently. When it’s for fun, there is nothing better than getting away, checking out some new sights, surroundings and of course seeing the local car scene. It was perfect timing to be there as the Downshift Melbourne meet was happening at the Coburg Drive-In Cinemas as the final stop of the DS Great South Roadtrip #2 that a few of the crew undertook.

[Adam] We covered just over 3,000kms in a WRX and a Forester pulling the DS trailer

(Only having to rebuild 1 Subaru gearbox cheers to Eleven Ten Engineering and Custom Importz for their help with that)

Travelling from Canberra to our first ever Adelaide DS meet, then held free carpark events in Mt Gambier & Warrnambool, mixed in with some exploring on the Great Ocean Road before reaching Melbourne.

[Dom] As expected Melbourne it turned up.

[Adam] We even have custom ramps at our Melbourne venue, for those that might need it.

[Dom] Crowd favourite was the DS Rev-Battle, which had contestants from multiple corners of the mechanical globe, 13B, RB, SR, LS, 2J, Barra, VTEC just to name a few.

All of whom were chasing the biggest cheer for bashing limiters, to win a mixture of cash and merchandise from us and other selected traders including newly launched Australian arm of Jay Leno’s Garage Advanced Vehicle Care who had sponsored this event particular meet.

[Dom] The drive-in grounds were covered with cars and owners chilling out, having a yarn and checking out each other’s rides. A relaxing afternoon well spent in my opinion.

[Adam] We love different!

Thanks to all who came and got involved, we hope to see you all at the next meet on July 28th!

Words & Photos by:

Dom Ciccio: IGFBWeb
Adam Vlahos: IGFBWeb

Bonus Imagery:


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