Unfortunately I had no pics from the December JDM Meet, which is sad considering it had around 100+ cars turn up, however they were not under good circumstances as the meet was posted on a forum which has quite a bad reputation for ruining meets and cruises, but there was no drama. I did somehow lose my pics though, no idea how.
Well the January meet rolled around, and this time no losers posted the meet on other forums so it was the usual crowd. I think what makes the meet so appealing to everyone, and loved by everyone who attends is the community we have created, everyone gets along, it is amazing how you meet friends through one common interest, and some of those friends stay with you for life because of it. No matter what the media say, the car scene is never going to die.
As per usual not much to say about the meets since its mainly chat and looking at cars, so roll on the pics. I decided to once again post up some of the boys shots to show some love and also give it a bit of variety.
My Shots:
Dan’s S15 is pushing some fairly serious numbers for an SR, and with his newest purchase being a set of SSR Type F’s in black, with ridiculously sexy offset and insane fitment, this is one to watch. Hopefully will do a feature on it in the coming months.
Alex is a good mate of mine, and a wheel whore through and through. This kid knows fitment like the back of his hand and has crazy good taste, example is his Eg Civic. Seeing it always makes me regret not buying one :(
3 Evo’s, all making big power and running 12’s or lower. Also well thought out plates definitely add to a cars notoriety.
Gus and Justin brought out their tough as nails 32 GTRs for the meet, with Justin now running E85 and close to 580awhp it is one heck of an animal. I am sure Gus’s 32 needs no introduction on here, just look at that fitment, for a GTR it is A++.
Got to love the plates, honestly i froth over that RS front bar every time I see Sam’s 930.
Kyrin’s Shots
The fitment on this S14 is absolutely crazy, I think everyone was speechless when it rolled in.
IS200’s are not really touched on to often over here in Aus, sad really, such an awesome shape. This is a very clean example.
Amazing colour and a twin turbo V6 under the bonnet…from a Holden, totally left field swap but an awesome one as well.
Foy’s Shots:
This Eg is amazing, those Work Equip 01’s look the goods on it, didn’t get a chance to meet the owner, but he/she sure has some quality taste.
More shots of the truly badass S14
Duy’s Pics:
With some coilovers this Sw20 would look the goods
See if you can work all the number plates out haha
Dan’s Shots:
+10 points to anyone who can guess what this is, awesome sight to see that is for sure.
Sam’s tracked prepped 930 is just awesome, notice the cage and semi’s.
Couple of immaculate S15s, check the quality fitment on the white one, those TE’s are damn hot.
34 GTR wheels suit Evo VI’s so well and from what I have been told, yeah it can rock those plates.
Sorry about the giant post, although I am sure you enjoyed it. Cheers to everyone who turns out for the meet month in month out and makes the night as good as it is. Sorry to those whose cars I did not post, had to cut the pics down as it was big enough post already.