In the past 2 years, Time Attack has gained serious worldwide appeal. From humble beginnings deep inside Japan and Europe outside of the limelight, it has suddenly gained momentum and is now prominent in the U.S as well. As we all know, the States are currently killing it in the stance game, and they are now taking over in the Time Attack game. The move to mainstream has been a little slower here in Aus (actually, a lot slower). 2010 is, technically speaking, the year of Aussie time attack, with the time attack worlds being held in May down at Eastern Creek. And, of course, we will be there.
What I wasn’t expecting was that the usual Time Attack events that are held on a more regular basis here in Queensland would have exploded to the extent they have today. On the weekend just passed I went out to support a mate and get some shots of him and his EG out on the track. I was definitely not expecting the badass shit that rolled out for the day. When I look back at our first feature, which was a Saturday time attack session, it is insane how much the quality of machines has increased 1000 fold in such a short amount of time. It is good to see a form of motor sport that I love so much growing so fast here in Aus.
Not much more to say, so roll on the pics.
…and then I saw it…
Props to Mercury Motorsport for supporting and getting behind Time Attack. Also if anyone has any info on the Evo’s posted please comment and I will get in contact with you. Remember click picture, select 1240 for wallpaper.