The Neat & Elite cruise was organised by Keish from UNC for last Sunday. We met up at Greenslopes and had a chat, applied some stickers and chucked a footy around for a bit. We headed from Brisbane to Byron Bay and back. Some very special cars joined us, and I focused mostly on getting some good photos of them. Enjoy!
We pulled over at the Mudgeeraba Hungry Jack’s. We were joking around that the cars in the carpark were probably worth more than the whole restaurant.
I also got some rolling shots of Nghia’s Chaser for Performance Imports magazine. It makes 500+hp, and is absolutely MINT. Keep your eyes peeled for it in an upcoming issue!
You’ll have seen our full feature of Gus’ R32 GT-R here. It’s also immaculate, probably the best condition R32 I’ve ever seen.
We finally made it down to Byron after much roadworks and traffic frustration, as well as an incident with a truck driver merging without looking. Thanks to Keish’s lightning reflexes, we’re still alive. Said truck in the background.
Nik was kind enough to drop me back to Brisbane CBD afterwards.. Cheers mate!
Beautiful day for a drive, great people, great cars, great food. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.
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[…] but a distant, yet pleasant memory from 2012, the Neat & Elite cruise was begging to be revived. Keish from UNC decided it was finally time, and organised yet […]