[Matyi] We invited Kuruma Photography to showcase some of the talent on our West Coast that we hear so little about. Enjoy :)

Since August 2011, the Western Australia based group JDM WA have been growing larger as the time progresses. Founder of JDM WA, Jonathan Koh says:

“The JDM WA group was created to get everyone involved in the JDM scene to come together and to admire the beauty of all JDM makes and models. The aim was to create a community where everyone has the same passion, as back then people had their own meets and cruises with Hondas, Silvias and the Skylines. I started this group to give people an opportunity to start learning and seeing different cars and hopefully give people a chance to see a variety of the quality builds in other people’s cars here in Western Australia. The very first JDM WA meet had over one hundred cars and was a very successful event.. After that more and more people started joining and getting active with the group.”

JDM WA had their 14th official event on 24 March 2013, which also went very well.

The night’s highlight would have to be this beautiful Hakosuka.

There was a great variety of different makes and models.

This Galant VR-4 was looking very clean.

Several R34 GT-Rs were lurking around.

More to come from WA!

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