When you hear of Matsuri, two things come to mind: parties and the sweet smell of burning rubber.
This year I was given the opportunity to shoot the event for Downshift, one of my biggest solo events to date. Upon arriving to the track late Friday afternoon it was clear this was going to be a big weekend. As drivers started unloading their cars off the trailers and setting up their sheds, I knew it was going to be a serious event & not even the chance of rain could prevent me from having a blast. Come early Saturday morning the skies looked menacing and threatened to put a damper on the weekend and thankfully the rain stayed away… for now.
Bayside works had a few cars out at Matsuri, all looking perfect.
This 180SX as basic as it was, definitely stood out over the weekend.
And after the long 2 hour wait after waking up, the cars finally started hitting the track.
Nick Coulson was a late entry to the event, but it was great seeing a car of that calibre mixing it up with some of the younger kids.
As the rain began to fall so did the cars, many retreating to the pits to be safe from destroying the expensive bodywork. But thanks for those who stayed out as it made for some exciting driving.
The level of driver skill displayed over the weekend was second to none, with only a few drivers making mistakes throughout the weekend.
Millennium Jade would have to be one of my favourite colours and this R32 pulls it off perfectly even with matching wing.
And that concludes my Autumn Matsuri 2015 coverage! Thanks for reading and I hope to be out at the next big drift event getting even better photos. – Maice